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Chao "Rex" Su RMT

Registered Massage Therapist


Introducing Saturdays' relaxation opportunity in the hands of RMT Chao Su,

affectionately known as Rex.


In 2021, he relocated to Canada and pursued the

Massage Therapy program at Fanshawe College.


Before establishing himself in Canada, Chao dedicated 14 years

to the Creative and Communication industry globally.

He completed his Master's degree in Communication

and earned him the moniker "REX" among peers

at the University of Leicester, England, in 2011.


Rex encountered his own trials –

battling the relentless foes of headaches, backaches,

and shoulder pains, born from the rigors of

desk-bound endeavors and heavy physical overuse, much like you, my friends.

Growing up, Chao Su actively participated in various sports

such as basketball, soccer, swimming and table tennis.

These experiences instilled in him an appreciation for

the significance of physical activity and rehabilitation

in maintaining and enhancing the body's functionality. 

Chao's objective is to enhance his clients' overall well-being

by developing individually-tailored treatment plans and

employing a diverse range of massage techniques,

along with facial release and tapotement. 

Rex will be starting to take clients in the Simply Massage Clinic

at the end of April, 2024.

Stay tuned for more information regarding booking or look for us

on facebook and instagram

